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Include email address of the person that downloaded a file

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 19:22
by rkravi

The Phoca Download works great for me. Everytime someone downloads a file (I have set it up for "registered users only" in my Joomla 2.5 site), the system automatically generates an email as listed below with the name, username and filename of the registered user. How can I get the system to include the email address of the registered user in that system generated email?

Thank you,

Here is the email I get automatically after every download:

File downloaded
Website: ICScape
Date: Monday, 29 April 2013 03:45
File "clockexplorer_whitepaper_2013_0216.pdf" was downloaded by Jim Smith (jsmith).

Re: Include email address of the person that downloaded a fi

Posted: 07 May 2013, 19:17
by Jan
Hi, for now, there is only one possible email address - to have more this needs to be customized directly in the code, see similar posts, there were guides for it.
