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Pay with points from alpha user points

Posted: 07 May 2013, 20:10
by ricmcric
First I´m sorry for my Englisch but my normal language is German!
I have Installed the Phoca Download and Alpha User Points and my problem is that i want that an user who want to download something he have to pay with Points (from Alpha User Points).
I have seen it on a page who was created with joomla and on the end of the side there was by Phoca Download!
Are there an plugin or something or why i can write an rule?

I hope that someone can help me thats my 3rd forum!


Re: Pay with points from alpha user points

Posted: 07 May 2013, 20:51
by Jan
Hi, hmmm, did you ask on Alpha User Points - because I don't know any such plugin but I think such can exists. I know that OSE Membership have such plugin and it is working on different sites. But no experiences with Alpha User Points (anyway I bymyself would be interested if there is such plugin :idea: )
