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Using PDL button with articles in modules

Posted: 08 May 2013, 12:49
by tapiochre
Hi Jan

One thing I have tried to do but failed to achieve was to use the PDL Button feature to:

1. Add a download file to an Article such as {phocadownload view=file|id=5|text=test|target=s}
2. Use that article within a module (say using NoNumber's very clever Modules Anywhere plugin or VTEM's Accordion module).

When I add the PDL link {phocadownload view=file|id=5|text=test|target=s} into the article then push the article into a module, then the resulting page displays the {phocadownload view=file|id=5|text=test|target=s} code rather than rendering it to show the correct file view.

Does this make sense Jan and is it a Phoca thing or a 3rd/4th party problem?

Hope you can help!


Re: Using PDL button with articles in modules

Posted: 22 May 2013, 18:52
by Jan
Hi, this is not a Phoca thing :-( ... The plugin is standard content plugin (with standard coding for Joomla! content), so if it works in content, everything is Ok there. I don't know any limitation there so cannot say exactly what can be wrong but try to test if the module surely reads the content plugins. :idea:


Re: Using PDL button with articles in modules

Posted: 25 Jun 2013, 19:00
by tapiochre

I have found out where I was making the error. In the Module that is carrying the article, I have to enable the "Prepare Content" option. With that setto yes, the PDL feature is working nicely.

Problem solved!

Re: Using PDL button with articles in modules

Posted: 26 Jun 2013, 00:59
by Jan
Ok, great to hear it.
