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Section showing twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 10 May 2013, 16:08
by Picannick
Hey there,

we are using Joomla 2.5.11 and Phoca Download 2.1.9. We want to use a pathway but the section is shown doubly. We don`t know how to solve this problem.

The problem ist the same as it is described in the following posts in the forum:

We also tried all of these versions but the problem is still fixed. The breadcrumbs still showing one section twice.

Does anybody know more? :idea:

Thanks for reply...

Re: Section showing twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 22 May 2013, 20:36
by Jan
Hi, try to check if you are using one or menu links. I didn't get any such problem, but I got information that on some server, adding more menu links to Phoca Download can make such behaviour :idea:


Re: Section showing twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 28 May 2013, 13:17
by Picannick
Yes, we are using 5 Menu-Items, 100% simular to Categories

- Downloads
- Cat 1 (registered)
- Cat 2 (registered)
- Cat 3 (registered)
- Members (own, new ACL group)

The problem comes up only when you click on a file (detail-view with license)

Thx Yannick

Re: Section showing twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 23:14
by Jan
Hi, this is still open issue, I didn't get this behaviour on all my test servers so for now I am not able to say what can be wrong there :-(

Re: Section showing twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 21:01
by kgriffin

This post is obviously related to this conversation. My phoca download categories mimic my menu structure, therefore since phoca download categories for some reason show up in my breadcrumbs, it makes for a confusing situation. How do I prevent the phoca download categories from appearing in my breadcrumbs? I really do not need them. Is there something I can just comment out somewhere?

Re: Section showing twice in Breadcrumbs

Posted: 02 Oct 2013, 01:33
by Jan
Hi, to not display the categories in breadcrumb you need to customize the view.html.php files of each file (see the preparedocument function)
