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Adobe flash problem and max size of file

Posted: 18 May 2013, 14:57
by zbynek
(btw. I have install latest version of joomla with LTS 2.5.11)
I have two qestions.

1) I've installed flash palyer to my IE9 and when i want create "Add more" down in Multiple add tab Phoca d. show me that I didnt install flash. What is the problem with it? Its is really annoying :( When i restart browser than it works normal but if i change tabs same report again.

2)Maximum file size is 3MB. Is it issue only in free version? Or only exist free version?

so thanks for information, because phoca looks very usefull and iam beginer with joomla ...

Re: Adobe flash problem and max size of file

Posted: 25 May 2013, 12:59
by Jan

2) this you can set in parameters, it is securtiy reason for administrator, to control the uploaded files - there are no different version, phoca download is free component

1) Check if you get some error message in your browser. Mostly javascript error can prevent from running multiple upload feature (as it is based on javascript and flash)
