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Deletion of Files under Category

Posted: 21 May 2013, 07:38
by ukraine55
I have been using Phoca Download for a while and love it, customized some parts to fit my site. Thanks for the wonderful plug-in Jan.

I have a question regarding deletion of files. I have a registered user I like to test the functions of my site. I have enable, view, upload and delete access for this test user.

I have uploaded multiple files to a category with my admin account through the backend. But when I go into the frontend file upload view, I can only upload files for that category that I have it set to. When I upload a file, then if I go back to the category, I can then delete it. Can I change that if a person has delete rights, that they can delete any file (published by them or someone else) with no problems?

Many thanks! :)

Re: Deletion of Files under Category

Posted: 25 May 2013, 00:15
by Jan
Hi, for now in UCP you can see only own files and delete them. In UCP you cannot view other user files. I am planning to change it or add new views for managing files (but this take some time :-( )
