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Group permissions : How to manage category by category ?

Posted: 29 May 2013, 14:34
by mabou42

I am testing phocadownload for my website (Joomla 2.5), and have question about possibility to give persmissions for my Joomla GROUP for uploading, deleting...files in a category.

The website on which I'm working is developed for several "communities" of users, organized according to a hierarchy which allow us to manage the permissions (access level and rights on the ressources : edition, publication...) for each elements of the website.
Therefore, we have a lot of groups, and each elements of the website is seeing only by a part of the groups.

My question is : Is it possible to set parameters in order to manage category by category the permissions of my groups ?

In the parameters of the control panels, there is just the possibility to configure globally the permissions (for all categories)...

Thank you A LOT !

Re: Group permissions : How to manage category by category ?

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 13:41
by Jan
Hi, depends on which permissions you mean. E.g. for access you can set every category separately.
