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Migrating category/file structure to another site...

Posted: 30 May 2013, 13:59
by jbomb
I saw this article. ... -joomla-25

which is along the lines of what I thought I may have to do, BUT, the issue I have is that I want to move the categories and new files to a site that already has other files there.

So my concern is that the id numbers may already be in use. Would I be correct,and is there a way to avoid this? Maybe export tables as CSV and find the id column and add 00 or something?

Re: Migrating category/file structure to another site...

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 14:39
by Jan
Hi, while exporting the number (IDs) are imported too, so this can be a problem. To solve it, you need to somehow export the data without primary key (ID) - but no experiences with such export yet :-(