I'm having a tricky problem. The PD views are not appearing. When I try to inspect the page the only content related to PD I get is the following one
Code: Select all
<div id="phoca-dl-categories-box" class="pd-categories-view"></div>
In this case, the div is empty.
However, in some browsers the views are ok, yet the behavior of this "ok" is confusing. In Windows, the views work fine in Chrome and often in IE. In Mac, they work often in Firefox and sometimes in none of the browsers. As I said, it's confusing.
Looking for solutions on this forum, I came across a topic (viewtopic.php?f=31&t=22794) in which they said to me to disable lines 159 to 162 from the following file: joomla/components/com_phocadownload/views/category/view.html.php. It worked for some time and then the views disappeared again.
Does anyone know how do I fix that?
Thanks in advance.