Setting the number of categories per row

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Setting the number of categories per row

Post by samir_gambler »

While displaying List Of Categories 3 categories comes in a row but I want only single category in a row. Can you please suggest how it can be achieved.

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Re: Setting the number of categories per row

Post by samir_gambler »

I tried to accomplish this by editing phocadownload.css file
#phoca-dl-categories-box div.pd-categoriesbox {
width: 92%;
position: relative;
float: left;
margin: 1%;
padding: 1%;
Modified the width attribute to 92% from 28%. After doing so each categories were coming one below the other and not side by side (as expected), but I don't know why after editing this the folder icon beside the subcategory is no more visible.
Cab any one please help me to fix this. Thanks.
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Re: Setting the number of categories per row

Post by Jan »

Hi, maybe just remove the float attribute :idea:

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