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Display Files in Category view

Posted: 25 Jun 2013, 00:10
by goldorak
Hi everyone

i was just wondering how to make my downloadarea look like on

But the files do not appear under the maincategories.

Can anyone help me out there?

BR Andreas

Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 26 Jun 2013, 01:04
by Jan
Hi, sorry I don't understand what you exactly mean?

Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 02 Jul 2013, 17:20
by ernst67
Hello Jan,

I think goldorak means that there is a list of Categories with files per category. Like this:

- Description
- File
- File
- Description
- File
- File
- Description
- File
- File

I'm trying to achieve the same, but I can't get it configured either. The only view I get is a list of categories (with description), on which I have to click to see the files in that category.

Thanks for a great component by the way!


Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 02 Jul 2013, 22:54
by ernst67
ctually, this is the correct link...: ... component

.. how to achieve such an overview with categories, containing files..? I can only get one category to display per page

Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 09:38
by Jan
Hi, not sure what you exactly mean, the link you have provided, displays standard Phoca Download view - if you have added files to Phoca Download and you click on category in frontend, you will get such view automatically. :idea:

To list the files and categories the way, you have wrote in previous post, such view needs to be customized, see: ... load-theme (I think you will need to customize directly the php code :idea: )


Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 13:16
by ernst67
Hello Jan,

Thanks for the reply. I'm beginning to understand.. the view is a category view. But, how did you group the files then?

To me it seems the page has a few sections by which the files are sorted:

- component
- file
- file

- plugins
- file
- file

- languages
- file
- file
- file

i just can't work ou how you did this?

Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 19:23
by ernst67
Well, I hope I have explained well enough: Basically I'm looking to create a list of files with sub-headers like the example on the Phoca website....

Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 08 Jul 2013, 14:14
by Jan
Hi, if you want to load files in categories view, such needs to be customized but be aware this can slow down the server or stop it as loading so much data from database at once can be dangerous :idea:


Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 18 Jul 2013, 22:42
by ernst67
I'm sorry, but still don't get it. :x

I mean this view....:


How do you get the text in between the files..? Is this standard, of custom made?

Thanks in advance for you assistance :)

Re: Display Files in Category view

Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 00:59
by Jan
Hi, it is default feature - it is "Text" - in administration of files you can create a "file" or a "text" - Text mostly includes description and can be ordered the same way like all other files ban be - just see the icons in file list view in administration and click on "Text" button.
