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Download Tree for 3.0

Posted: 11 Jul 2013, 02:23
by marqcello
I´m using Joomla 3.0 and just installed Phoca download, is there a planed date for the realise of a versión of that module for Joomla 3.0.


Is there a way to "fix" Jommla Tree for 1.7 in order to work in Jommla 3.0.


Re: Download Tree for 3.0

Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 21:27
by Jan
Hi, for now I need to finish Phoca Documentation and Phoca Email components for Joomla! 3 and then I will begin writh writing modules and plugins for Joomla! 3 and I hope I will finish it before Joomla! 3 will be stable LTS.
