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different layout

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 08:47
by mac2
i must have 2 different Layouts by 'Phoca Download ยป Liste der Dateien (Kategorie-Ansicht)'

Code: Select all

#overDiv .pd-title, #phoca-dl-category-box .pd-title, #phoca-dl-file-box .pd-title {
Is it posible to create a suffix for different Layout?

Thanks for help

Re: different layout

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 19:12
by Jan
Hi, not sure If I correctly understand? What you mean with suffix for different layout?

Re: different layout

Posted: 01 Aug 2013, 08:27
by mac2
Hi Jan,
the problem is:
1 menu-link shows a page with downlod-files (List by category) - the looks, which elements are on this list ({pdtitle} and so on) I select in the phoca backend. The Styles (CSS) I can change how I want.

A second menu-link shows also a page with download-files (List by category - a other category as in the first page) and this looks must be different the first page.

Is there a way to do this possible?

Thanks for your help

Re: different layout

Posted: 01 Aug 2013, 11:44
by mac2 of my checking was:

In Joomla!2.5 i give a siteclass suffix 'archiv' an than i want to style (custom.css) the pd-title in my category-view.
I tryed this Stylesheet but perhapse the syntax is wrong, or this way never act.

.pd-category-view.archiv.pd-title {
color: #00cccc;

Best regards

Re: different layout

Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 14:07
by Jan
Hi, I think, this needs to be customized, because it is possible that if you create two menu links, going through the tree can end with being in other menu link. So it is better to directly set the settings for the category than for the menu link I think, do some if clause in php code, e.g.:

if the category is 1 then load such css, if the category is 2 then load other css :idea:
