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Language problem on first install

Posted: 13 Aug 2013, 21:26
by Paul
I downloaded the latest phoca download component (v3.0.0) and installed it on my joomla site (v3.0.3). Everything seemed to go fine, but it has a problem (maybe with the language?). Instead of showing the text titles for items in the admin menus, it shows "COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_...' labels. Example: When I open the control panel from 'Components->com-phocadownload->com-phocadownload-controlpanel' menu selection, the control panel doesn't show the correct titles for anything. Instead it shows what appears to be the internal label for the text(?). As an example, below is what it shows for the control panel menu down the left side:


I've read thru the forums and the docs and thought that maybe the language files didn't get installed properly, but I've checked and they seem to be installed fine. My site's English language directory: 'language/en-GB' contains in addition to dozens of language files for other components: (51,399 bytes) (2,559 bytes)

The permissions look correct to as they are the same as the other installed components, i.e. 'rw-r--r--'

Any suggestions on how to fix this would be most welcome.. :)

Re: Language problem on first install

Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 16:28
by Jan
Hi, if your site is English, then no other additional language is needed, testing now and the English is Ok, so try to test your Joomla! if it is right installed and if it right reads the langauge files :idea:

Re: Language problem on first install

Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 20:50
by Paul
Hey thanks for the reply Jan.

Yes, my Joomla site is up and running fine. I've got other extensions, 'hikashop' for instance, that work fine as well. Phoca Download is the only one that is displaying the 'name' of the prompt instead of the prompt itself.

From the Phoca Download language files I see that (as an example) the below entry in the language file identifies what should be displayed to the user when Phoca Download wants to display the title of the control panel:


What I'm getting on my installation is the prompt name, 'COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_PD_CONTROL_PANEL' instead of the prompt value "Phoca Download Control Panel".

It is a bit confusing, and the problem could entirely be on my end, but I've not been able to identify why, or how to fix it....

Re: Language problem on first install

Posted: 17 Aug 2013, 12:43
by Jan
Hi, really no idea what can be wrong, try to reinstall the component, maybe the language files were corrupted while moving them on the sever (when the install script makes copies from ZIP to folder location) :idea:


Re: Language problem on first install

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 15:29
by Paul
Ok, I've got it figured out. The clue came when I uninstalled the component I got the following error messages:

Failed deleting en-GB.com_phocadownload.ini
Failed to delete /www/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_phocadownload.ini

Failed deleting en-GB.com_phocadownload.sys.ini
Failed to delete /www/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_phocadownload.sys.ini

What happened was, when I originally installed the phoca download component, the installer placed these two language files in my 'main' language directory (www/language/en-GB) but not in my 'administrator' language directory (www/administrator/language).

When I copied them into my 'administrator/language/en-GB' directory, everything works fine!


Re: Language problem on first install

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 13:04
by Jan