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text is displayed instead of running code

Posted: 14 Aug 2013, 08:22
by nick wang
Hi all,

Thanks for all your work on this extension, it's very helpful.

I'm working with jommla 2.5.14 with Phoca Download Plugin 2.1.9 under localhost.
The plugin is installed successfully and published (enabled).

I created a menu item link to Phoca Download (file view) through the backend and it seems to be normal and working on the frontend. However, it's weird, when I added the code into an article through the backend, the text(whole string) is displayed on the frontend instead of running code.

Did I miss some key steps? :idea:
Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: text is displayed instead of running code

Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 21:15
by Paul
Just a thought as I've accidentally done this before and it might be what's happening for you... ;)

When you paste the snippet into your article, make sure you're not in the GUI editor, but you are editing the raw html. The gui 'tinyMCE' will interpret the code snippet as text and display it as text instead of running it...

Re: text is displayed instead of running code

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 04:11
by nick wang
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your recommendation.
I've tried to set Default Editor to "None" and re-pasted the snippet into my article through the backend.
Unfortunately the snippet(code) still refuse to run on the frontend.

Re: text is displayed instead of running code

Posted: 17 Aug 2013, 12:40
by Jan
Hi, text is displayed only in case:

- the plugin is not enabled
- or the plugin is not installed (Phoca Download Plugin - there are two simila plugins so be aware)
- or the plugin code is not right written.


Re: text is displayed instead of running code

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 04:43
by nick wang
Hi All,

I've found the crux of this matter.

Thanks to Jan's reply gave me a sign.
Jan wrote: - or the plugin is not installed (Phoca Download Plugin - there are two simila plugins so be aware)
The key step I missed is that the "plg_content_phocadownload" is not installed.
Now my website works fine through jommla 2.5.14 + com_phocadownload_v2.1.9 + plg_content_phocadownload_v2.1.6.

Many thanks for all your work on this extension again! :)

Re: text is displayed instead of running code

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 05:45
by nick wang
BTW, the web page ( has been shown nothing for a long time.

Re: text is displayed instead of running code

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 13:23
by Jan
Hi, thank you very much for the info, the folder name was wrong (overwritten while update). Fixed.

Thank you, Jan