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Search for Tags/ "free" Tags/ search plugin

Posted: 19 Aug 2013, 11:05
by isiway

I have 2 questions, maybe you can help me:

1. How can I search by tags. I installed the search plugin, enabled it, but tags are not found

2. I understand I have to pre-define all the tags I might use under "Tags". That means I have to know them in advance..
Is there a possibility to define (new) tags while I am editing a document? Or should I put the tags as a comma separated List in the editor field (like notes).
But how can I find them then via the search?

Thank you from Bremen, Germany,

Re: Search for Tags/ "free" Tags/ search plugin

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 13:00
by Jan

2) tags can be defined only in Tags, so you cannot define them in the file edit :-(

1) for now the search feature is planned, the first step was done, to make the tag feature in the component, the second to create some search plugin - this must me done


Re: Search for Tags/ "free" Tags/ search plugin

Posted: 25 Aug 2013, 15:00
by isiway
This is not good news, but thank you!
