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Slideshow of latest photos of the gallery

Posted: 24 Sep 2013, 16:20
by Piceo2k

I would put a slideshow or something where they appear the latest pictures added to the gallery automatically, without having to be modifying the module. In this way on the main page you can always see the latest pictures added,

Anyone know if you can tell me to do and how?


Re: Slideshow of latest photos of the gallery

Posted: 24 Sep 2013, 22:57
by Jan
Hi, sorry I don't understand?

Re: Slideshow of latest photos of the gallery

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 00:55
by Piceo2k
Hi, I just want to make a slideshow and let me show fixed but for example:

- Today the latest photos uploaded.
- Tomorrow I want miestre me last pictures uploaded tomorrow.

So the slideshow without having to modify it, always show the last "x" number of photos uploaded.

Re: Slideshow of latest photos of the gallery

Posted: 02 Oct 2013, 00:04
by Jan
Hi, depend on which module you exactly running, if there is no parameter for loading the images by date (date means, you can set it will load latest images) then the sql command needs to be customized.
