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category and file search doesn't wor

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 23:15
by raganello
On a Joomla version 3 I installed component, installed and activated plugins for module search but nothing has been found. no category description no filename nothing. suggestions? SEF is off... thanks!

Re: category and file search doesn't wor

Posted: 30 Sep 2013, 19:33
by Jan
Hi, which version of the component and which version of the search module you have installed?

Re: category and file search doesn't work

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 18:52
by rma67
Hello, i think i have the same problem.
What i want to do ? I use Phoca Download V 3.0.1 at my Joomla 3.1.5 Installation to publish some PDF Files for the Site Visitors.
That works great !
Then i want that the Sitevistors can find the Informations by a fulltext search, but this doesnt wor with the "plg_search_phocadownload_v3.0.1"
- only the Filename is found but not the Informations inside the PDF Files

Any Ideas what's wrong ore is this feature missed in the plugin ?

Many Thanks !

Re: category and file search doesn't wor

Posted: 02 Oct 2013, 01:36
by Jan
Hi, the PDF file is not stored in database, the search function in Joomla! only search in database, not in documents on the server - to do such function, you need to customize it somehow (not sure if this will be possible for server to search all the documents in php time limit :idea: )
