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Slow loading speed for file and category lists in admin

Posted: 03 Oct 2013, 16:54
by vorkosov
Hi folks!

First of all, I really enjoy the component. It does the job perfectly well, however I came upon a certain issue.
We need to create a large amount of download categories sorted into different trees. Till now we have around 4000 categories.
As we passed adding some 2500 categories, there was a certain lag to the initial loading of the list, but now it's become unbearable (need to wait over 15 seconds for loading). I've tried reducing the list amount (10, 20, 50, 100), but no luck there either.

In addition to this, today I've experienced that the whole structure got garbled during loading (characters gone berserk as if coding was wrong, CSS not loading, missing menu headers etc.). I've tried forcing then through .htaccess execution times and timeouts with this:

Code: Select all

php_value max_execution_time 1200
php_value max_input_time 1200
php_value default_socket_timeout 480
php_value mysql.connect_timeout 480
php_value query_cache_size 128M
the structure then loaded correctly, but the speed is still extremely slow.

Is there a way to optimize this loading??? Just for comparison, J! has also a simmilar category structure for articles (also a $hitload of them, sorted through a tree structure...), but loading there it loads without any delays.

Hope someone has an idea what to do :?

Re: Slow loading speed for file and category lists in admin

Posted: 03 Oct 2013, 19:45
by Jan
Hi, if you are using such large amount of categories you need to customize it.

Normally, the category behaviour has a specific feature, you can have category tree with unlimited levels of subcategories - such feature can be a memory problem. Because in compare to items, you need to load all the categories at once. If you are using pagination in items view - you only load e.g. 20 items per page (you can have stored e.g. 10.000 items in database but because of pagination you only load the 20 - which then works OK) But this cannot be done in categories - In categories you need to load all them to get info about the tree (about the subcategories, levels, etc.) So if you need to use so much categories, you need to remove (customize directly in code) the unlimited level feature to load only categories set in pagination (e.g. 20 per page) With the unlimited tree feature you allways need to load all of them :-(


Re: Slow loading speed for file and category lists in admin

Posted: 20 Jan 2014, 12:04
by szenenight
Hi Jan, i have the same problem - "to much" categories - could you tell - where to customize this? I Think it should be an options in the admin - is there any posiblity?