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User Upload and sending link via Email

Posted: 06 Oct 2013, 21:57
by G439
Hello everyone,

today I downloaded and installed the Phoca Download extension for Joomla 2.5. First of all, thanks a lot for this free extension, which works well so far and which has a very easy-to-use interface in the backend.

I would like to give people the possibility to upload files with the frontend interface. Then, they should ideally be able to send a link to a file via email to other people. As far as I can see, it is not possible to send a link from the frontend.

Does there exist any solution for this "problem"? How would you act if you want people from your organization to upload files and spread them among the organization. I know you could write "Have a look at our downloads section... we added a new file", but then nobody would really check it out. It would be really great to get new files directly to all people, e.g. by sending a link.

Any tipps or suggestions would be very welcome!

Kind regards,

Re: User Upload and sending link via Email

Posted: 12 Oct 2013, 22:07
by Jan
Hi, for now there is no such option, so this needs to be customized - in fact over 99% of this feature is ready, but you need to customize how the frontend user will get the link.

In Phoca Download 3 (Joomla! 3) this is easier as there you can download per token. (but of course the information needs to be customized for the frontend)
