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About "multiple upload" allow

Posted: 09 Oct 2013, 16:05
by ibanson
Hello there,

I think I found a little problem.
@ component params, we can find following :

Code: Select all

<field name="enable_multiple_upload_admin" type="list" default="0" label="COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_FIELD_ENABLE_MU_ADMIN_LABEL" description="COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_FIELD_ENABLE_MU_ADMIN_DESC">
	<option value="1">COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_YES</option>
	<option value="0">COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_NO</option>
So, I check 0 -> No, I do not want to use Multiple upload.

Let's check to the file, then upload, the tab is enabled anyway...

I modified this way :


Replace this :

Code: Select all

$this->tmpl['multipleuploadmethod'] = $params->get( 'multiple_upload_method', 1 );
With :

Code: Select all

$this->tmpl['multipleuploadmethod'] = $params->get('enable_multiple_upload_admin',0);
And the params works fine now.


Another thing, the FileMakeSafe fonction of Joomla do not remove blank spaces, so I've created my own function to do this, if it can help somebody :



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public static function AudioFileMakeSafe($File) {
                   $date = Jfactory::getDate()->toFormat('%d-%m-%Y'); //Just If you want to display Date in the filename...  
                   $AllowedExt = array('mp3','wav','ogg','mp4'); 
                   $FileExt = strtolower(Jfile::getExt($File)); // Force lowercase for extension file...
                   if (empty($FileExt))
                           return false;

                   if((in_array($FileExt, $AllowedExt) == true)) {

                           $AudioFileName = Jfile::stripExt($File);
                           $AudioSafeName = Jfile::makeSafe($AudioFileName);

                           //replace - by _
                           $AudioSafeName = str_replace('-', '_', $AudioSafeName);

                           // remplace spaces by _
                           $AudioSafeName = str_replace(' ', '_', $AudioSafeName);

                           $AudioSafeFile = $date .'_'. $AudioSafeName .'.'. $FileExt;

                           return $AudioSafeFile;

                   } else 
                           return false;
then call your new function @ line ~373

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if (isset($file['name'])) {
        $file['name'] = self::AudioFileMakeSafe($file['name']);
Any suggestions are welcome.


Re: About "multiple upload" allow

Posted: 13 Oct 2013, 22:41
by Jan
Hi, thank you for this guide:
Replace this :

Code: Select all
$this->tmpl['multipleuploadmethod'] = $params->get( 'multiple_upload_method', 1 );

With :

Code: Select all
$this->tmpl['multipleuploadmethod'] = $params->get('enable_multiple_upload_admin',0);
Did you mean:


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$this->t['enablemultiple'] 		= $params->get( 'enable_multiple', 0 );

Code: Select all

$this->t['enablemultiple'] 		= $params->get('enable_multiple_upload_admin',0);
means from: enable_multiple' to: enable_multiple_upload_admin.

I see there are some missing parameters, I willl fix them in next version. And I will take a look at the safe function. Thank you for the guide.
