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Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 14 Oct 2013, 18:41
by sjudelson
Thanks for your beautiful extensions!

I have installed Phoca Download component and plugin for my Joomla 2.5 site. Installation was a snap. I successfully created a category and a couple of files. After this, however, I have problems.

In Chrome and Mozilla, the icons, file names, preview and details show perfectly. However, clicking on the Download button does not download the file. Clicking on the download button for one file causes the screen to flash, but no download. Clicking on the download button for the other file brings me to new page, that only has my top menu and "Powered by Phoca Download" at the bottom (the category and list of files is not displayed). Oddly, after loading the first file, I successfully downloaded the file, but could not repeat the download after I added the second file.

In Explorer, the detail button and the download button don't work. Clicking on the detail buttons doesn't do anything. Clicking on the download buttons causes the same behavior as in Chrome and Mozilla.

I searched the forum and didn't find any solutions. Please help!

Re: Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 19:19
by Jan
Hi, really no idea what problems you can have on your site. The download feature is in fact independent to browsers and should have a problem in some browser and in another not - the server just gives download information to the browser (this behaviour is similar to all browsers) and the browser will begin to download the file :idea:


Re: Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 23:01
by sjudelson
Bummer! I really love the look and ease of using the extension and wish there was a solution. I uninstalled the component and the plugin, deleted the folders and tried again, but have the same problem. I have tried downloading the files on several computers, and have not had success anywhere. Do you have any suggestions at all?

Re: Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 23:52
by Jan
Can I see the site where this occurs?

Re: Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 02:19
by sjudelson
Of course. [Removed - not a Phoca Download page]. I can email you the login to get to the next page where the Phoca Download is, as well as the Joomla admin credentials.

Re: Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 11:36
by tjerk
Hello Jan,

the same problem see: [Removed - 500error]


Re: Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 18 Oct 2013, 12:18
by sjudelson
Jan -

Please let me know if you will be able to take a peek at our website to figure out what may be going wrong and preventing Phoca Downloading from downloading files. Email, message or reply to me with an address that I can send you the url and login credentials. I will understand if you don't have the time, but I would much prefer to use Phoca Downloads (if it can work) than the alternatives I have come across. Thank you in advance.


Re: Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 19 Oct 2013, 21:18
by sjudelson
I got the download to work by changing the menu item type from "List Of Categories (Categories View)" to "List of Files (Category View)." It is very odd that it used to work in the first manner, which I preferred.


Re: Phoca Download won't download

Posted: 20 Oct 2013, 13:36
by sjudelson
Jan -

My solution was slightly different than I posted above. I am posting a better description so that it may help tjerk and perhaps others.

I created an article which contained the plugin statement {phocadownload view=category|id=1|target=b}. This article was displayed in a category blog menu item. When the plugin statement was clicked on, I was brought to a new page that listed the downloads in the category. Fine. However, when a file or the download button for a file was clicked on, nothing happened or I was brought to a new page where no file information was displayed nor could the file be downloaded from.

The solution I came up with was to change the menu item to Phoca Download ยป List of Files (Category View). Now, the list of downloads is displayed on the page (as before), but now when a file or the download button is clicked on, I am brought to a new page that shows just that file, details, and a small download button. When that download button is is clicked, the file downloads. I was able to add the other information I wanted on the page (that the category blog layout allowed me to do) by adding Text Files to the downloads in the Phoca category.
