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Multilanguage redirections of Phoca Download

Posted: 22 Oct 2013, 16:02
by MarioP
Hello. I'm using Phoca download in my multilanguage website based on multilanguage tools built-in on Joomla!. Name translation and assigning files to appropriate langunage version is very easy and fast. But I have one problem. When I choose one of the Phoca Download categories my main menu (in both languages ) disappears. I noticed that categories have wrong redirection, url ( it contains alias which is assigned to main menu for all languages, not this assigned to specific language). Please take a look here and click on one of the categories. The main menu disappear...

Re: Multilanguage redirections of Phoca Download

Posted: 22 Oct 2013, 16:39
by Jan
Hi, did you test it with SEF disabled.

Not sure why the menu is not displayed, but the language url is Ok after clicking on the link :idea: The same with the menu link, it does not change.

Try to disable SEF and check if the Itemid is not changing there :idea:


Re: Multilanguage redirections of Phoca Download

Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 10:12
by MarioP
Ok, Phoca works properly. It turned out that I have to disable menu item assigned to Phoca Download in main menu for All languages ( as we can see in Joomla! multilanguage tutorials its compulsory to keep main menu with home page assigned to all languages and then the easiest way to create specific language menu is simply to copy this for all.) After unpublish this menu item phoca categories have urls appropriate to specific language.
Thank you Jan for interest my case.