Problem with language override
Posted: 22 Oct 2013, 20:54
Hello, Phoca team.
We realy love your components.
But now, we have some problem with Phoca Download component.
Some technical information:
Phoca Download - version 3.0.2
Joomla - verison 3.1.5
Other installed components (k2, Akeeba, JCE, JA k2 filter). No core hacks.
Problem is language override in component.
We did the full Russian translation, and install it to website in two folders (administrator/language/ru-RU and /language/ru-RU).
But, translated only menu on backend topmenu. In components frontend and backend everything in english.
We tried to re-install component and languages.
All Joomla settings correct, other components (like K2) work with Russian translation.
At now we translate component in sourse code - isnt best way.
How we can fix this problem?
P.S. We can send you full russian language to your component.
language file names:
We realy love your components.
But now, we have some problem with Phoca Download component.
Some technical information:
Phoca Download - version 3.0.2
Joomla - verison 3.1.5
Other installed components (k2, Akeeba, JCE, JA k2 filter). No core hacks.
Problem is language override in component.
We did the full Russian translation, and install it to website in two folders (administrator/language/ru-RU and /language/ru-RU).
But, translated only menu on backend topmenu. In components frontend and backend everything in english.
We tried to re-install component and languages.
All Joomla settings correct, other components (like K2) work with Russian translation.
At now we translate component in sourse code - isnt best way.
How we can fix this problem?
P.S. We can send you full russian language to your component.
language file names: