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Player doesn't work - black rectangle only...
Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 15:45
by harmhofstede
I tried everything I found in the forums, but can't get it to work!
On the playbutton opens the window, but doesn't show the player. The path to mp3 is correct. The player-files are on the right place on the server.
Can anyone please tell me why I can't see the player?
Best regards,
Re: Player doesn't work - black rectangle only...
Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 16:24
by harmhofstede
On I see the black box.
On I see the player and hear the sound.
Re: Player doesn't work - black rectangle only...
Posted: 26 Oct 2013, 23:47
by Jan
Hi, on the links, I see no Phoca Download plugin code
Re: Player doesn't work - black rectangle only...
Posted: 04 Dec 2013, 13:16
by gonzela2006
I have the same problem. Kindly check the below link
I'm Joomla 1.5 and using Phoca Download 1.3.9
Re: Player doesn't work - black rectangle only...
Posted: 09 Dec 2013, 01:04
by Jan
Hmm, I see, the link to file is OK, the link to flow player too - checked or path and see no problem there
Try to update Phoca Download (so the flow player library will be overwritten - this can maybe help in case the flow player library files are somehow damaged on the server

Re: Player doesn't work - black rectangle only...
Posted: 12 Dec 2013, 17:32
by gonzela2006
Hi Jan,
I reinstalled it but the problem is still exist. Also I have the latest version 1.3.9 for Joomla 1.5.
Please advise
Re: Player doesn't work - black rectangle only...
Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 15:26
by Jan
Hi, if I see the code, it is all Ok, the only one what can be wrong (maybe) is the base tag in head, it includes full path and should only include main folder - normally - but if this can be a problem, really no idea
The next problem can be rtl language, unfortunately I am not able to test the rtl so there my possibilities are limited - I know it normally works with RTL languages (as got some examples with RTL languages) but maybe this can be on this server some problem with path, etc. to the file