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Strange download problems with IE

Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 18:59
by Maranomedia

we use PD for a large Joomla! driven intranet site. PD woks fine, but when I try to download a file in IE (9/10), the info window tells me, that the download wasn´t possible. When I hit the "resume download" button the file is downloaded correctly. This only happens in IE, FF an Chrome work as they should. Any solution for this strange phenomena?! Because the 4.000 members of the intranet all use the IE as standard, I really have a problem .... :cry:

I also thought about setting all files to "direct link" option, but, well, UI talk about more than 4.000 files, so this would be a pain in the ass, obviously. Does anybody know a solution for that, maybe via PHP My Admin or so?! :idea:

But also that will be a intermediate solution, because files are uploaded from day to day, so every editor has to check the "direct link" option for every new file. Unfortunatly there´s no "direct link" option in the PD default settings, but is there any solution to modify the code in a way to switch the direct link 0/1 settings?!

Thanks a lot in advance! Marco :?:

Re: Strange download problems with IE

Posted: 31 Oct 2013, 14:14
by john66
Same problem for me :(
May be a workaround solution :
In the administrator part, select a file and place "direct link" to yes. It's ok for me with this on IE.
Hope this information can help !

I don't know if these informations can help the maintenance !
My config :
  • J! 2.5
  • PHP 5.3
  • Phoca Download : 2.1.9

Re: Strange download problems with IE

Posted: 31 Oct 2013, 14:58
by john66
Maranomedia wrote:Does anybody know a solution for that, maybe via PHP My Admin or so?! :idea:
Workaround solution :
Change de "direct link" value in the MySQL table with phpmyadmin in two steps :

1 ) for the existings files
UPDATE `Uur_Base`.`xxxxx_phocadownload` SET `directlink` = '1'

2 ) for the new files, forece "direct link" defautl value to 1
ALTER TABLE `xxxx_phocadownload` CHANGE `directlink` `directlink` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'

Re: Strange download problems with IE

Posted: 05 Nov 2013, 20:37
by john66
May be à little UP.

Have you a solution to this problem ?

Thank a lot in advance for your answer.