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2 Problems required Help

Posted: 30 Oct 2013, 20:40
by Pixels
Joomla 3.X and latest Phoca Download.

1. On Front end upload the ToolTip at the header of each column is showing the html code e.j.

Code: Select all

instead of Title Bla...bla...bla... Where can I change/fix this? I've looked "every" where.

2. How can I change the date format also on the Front end to show just month/day/year instead of year-month-day hour. My language ini is already change so I really don't know where this format is coming from.

Other than this the component works EXCELLENT! I appreciate all the help I could get on this.

Re: 2 Problems required Help

Posted: 31 Oct 2013, 04:18
by Pixels
carsmaniacs wrote:good question, same problem here
I already came with a solution.
1. For the column ToolTip weird html:
You'll have to overwrite /libraries/cms/html/grid.php (Copy/Paste and comment your lines) before changing anything since this is code from joomla core.
Just replace

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

class=" "
2. Date Format on Front End Grid.
On /components/com_phocadownload/views/user/tmpl/default_files.php replace the following around line 174.

Code: Select all

. $row->date .

Code: Select all

$row->date = gmdate('m/d/Y')

Re: 2 Problems required Help

Posted: 01 Nov 2013, 21:52
by Jan
Hi, thank you for the info, I will take a look at it for the next version.
