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auto responders in new Phoca Download

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 13:35
by dezinezone
Can this be accomplished with the latest version of Phoca Download?

When a file is uploaded into the SPREADSHEETS subfolder of the following users, can an auto-generated email be sent to that user, which reads:

“A new spreadsheet was uploaded into your queue and the BPO’s should soon follow. Please allow a few minutes for the BPO file to arrive. Thank you!”

gds3 – email: emai address 3

gds4 – email: emai address 4

gds5 – email: emai address 5

gds8 – email: emai address 8

gds9 – email: emai address 9

Re: auto responders in new Phoca Download

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 20:47
by Jan
Hi, there is no such feature yet, but in Phoca Download there is an email feature, you can select an user who gets email when some new file is uploaded - so I think this feature can be customized for this purpose :idea:
