Hi, on that site, I see that the content of the tabs is correctly displayed in the PDF, so this seems to be OK. I don't know what you exactly expect from PDF, but did you read the IMPORTANT notice on Phoca PDF site - PDF is not like HTML, so mostly there is a success when you get plain text displayed there. This is the reason why PDF feature was removed from Joomla! core - because it is really difficult to print some content there. The success is allways to get the content in PDF, if you get some basic css formatting this is then large bonus ...
I don't know exactly what the tabs send as content but seems they don't send the headers - Phoca PDF just get the content from the article (in some cases from the plugin - but this is really very experimental settings ans getting code from plugin is very problematic) and such will be set to the PDF - it is recommended that the content will only display plain text with basic formatting - the same for plugin (in case of plugin this is really must - to print only plain text) - In PDF there is really hard decoding of basic html (and some few CSS) but it does not compute JS anyway.
The other problem can be, that the plugin does not really render the headers, but they are send to javascript which then renders them in browser - but the PDF document does not get text from browser - it gets it directly from your server - what the Joomla! article sends, this is then set in PDF.
So for now I cannot say what is really there the problem (if the header is not set in output, but in javascript, or if the Pdf renderer is not able to accept the output, etc
) To get such information, you need to make development tests, like to get information what Joomla! article features send ... and in both cases - what it sends whout including plugins and what is send with including plugins
Then you can recognize, that:
a) the header is not sent by Joomla! article feature but is added e.g. as html to the browser with help of javascript methods
b) the header is sent but PDF renderer cannot manage it (in such case the TCPDF class needs to be searched and found where exactly this is skip and maybe write some new specific feature