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Uploading a file

Posted: 07 Nov 2013, 20:49
by benedikt.luecke
I tried to find a way to upload a file without having a file with hust small letters. I did not find a way. Is there any way to upload files with capital letters not to be changed to small letters?

Thanks in advanced.

Re: Uploading a file

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 00:46
by Jan
Hi, the filename is changed to small letters because of used features in Phoca Dowload - every server has different settings and there were some problems with reading files (upper, lower case rules), running multiple add searching, etc. So to change it, it needs to be customized.


Re: Uploading a file

Posted: 18 Nov 2013, 21:53
by benedikt.luecke
Hi, thanks for the reply. Could you tell me where to find the part to customize?