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Gallery Image Plugin seems not to work ( or it is me ?)

Posted: 23 Nov 2013, 18:40
by jverhoev
Installed and activated the Gallery Image Plug in , using the " code creation button"

I see that it write code into the article such as;

{phocagallery view=categories|imagecategories=1|imagecategoriessize=5|hidecategories=1}

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1|limitstart=0|limitcount=16}

hen i subsequently save and view the article i see the code but not the images ? What is wrong ?

thanks in advance

Re: Gallery Image Plugin seems not to work ( or it is me ?)

Posted: 23 Nov 2013, 23:37
by Benno
I think you mean Phoca Gallery Button Plugin, because this:
{phocagallery view=categories|imagecategories=1|imagecategoriessize=5|hidecategories=1}
{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1|limitstart=0|limitcount=16}
is code, that was possibly made by Phoca Gallery Button Plugin.
But you also need to install and enable Phoca Gallery Plugin. (Phoca Gallery Plugin executes the code, which was made by Phoca Gallery Button Plugin.)
I don't know which version of Joomla! you use, therefore I can't link the right version of this plugin.
See this page und choose the version you need. ... ery-plugin

Kind regards,