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Phoca download 2.1.9 giving error message

Posted: 25 Nov 2013, 13:27
by anilvc31
Dear friends,

I have recently downloaded phoca download extension 2.1.9, and installed the same.

My joomla version is 2.5.14.
The problematic page of my website is

I have configured the extension suitably. however the extension is giving error as
[you have no rights to access the this category]

I have taken screen prints of setting pages in jpeg format , but I don't how attach here.

Please suggest suitable steps to get the extension working properly.

Thanking you,
Anil V.Chaudhary

Re: Phoca download 2.1.9 giving error message

Posted: 27 Nov 2013, 20:00
by Jan
Hi, for attaching screenshots see forum rules (5)

Such message is displayed only in case, you are not allowed to acces the category (check if your category is accessible for public)
