Can't change button class
Posted: 26 Nov 2013, 17:58
Hi Jan
I'm trying to change the colour of the download button, but I can't change the class.
Currently it calls up the class "btn btn-success", which is green and I'd like to use the class "btn btn-info" which blue.
I tried to create an override in template/com_phocadownload/download/default.php but it doesn't change anything.
The part I tried to change looks like this in Firebug:
[code]<div class="pd-buttons">
<div class="pd-button-download">
<a class="btn btn-success" href="/public_html/index.php/downloads?download=1:honorarempfehlung-des-schweiz-verbandes-dipl-ernaehrungsberaterinnen">Download</a>
Can you help me please?
I'm trying to change the colour of the download button, but I can't change the class.
Currently it calls up the class "btn btn-success", which is green and I'd like to use the class "btn btn-info" which blue.
I tried to create an override in template/com_phocadownload/download/default.php but it doesn't change anything.
The part I tried to change looks like this in Firebug:
[code]<div class="pd-buttons">
<div class="pd-button-download">
<a class="btn btn-success" href="/public_html/index.php/downloads?download=1:honorarempfehlung-des-schweiz-verbandes-dipl-ernaehrungsberaterinnen">Download</a>
Can you help me please?