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Just checking ....

Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 22:05
by undermanager
Have downloaded and set up phoco download - I think it's excellent and have been having fun setting it up this afternoon and trying it out / reading the docs.

a) Can someone confirm: If you use ACL, the files are still not secure?

I have set up a folder outside public_html, set the absolute path, ftp a file to this test folder and tested that I can download a file from it. It all works, but I want to check that this file is now secure - I'm not sure how. Have I done the right thing?

b) Is there a maximum file size for downloading files, please?

c) Love this extension! Thanks.


Re: Just checking ....

Posted: 19 Dec 2013, 17:17
by Jan

a) if the file is protected by ACL and it is behind the public_html - means: you cannot access it directly, as it is not available for public (behind public_html) ... you cannot access the script which allows downloading in per PHP script - as it is not accessible for public ... So in fact one can say, it is 100% protected ... but of course I cannot confirm it as there are so many factors (settings on server, possible problems in other scripts on server, possible problems with getting database data and users data include logins, etc.) so you can never say, it is for 100% not accessible :idea: ... it is not accessible per standard way (per direct link, access, per access with help of script)

b) you can set different limits in Option, and on your server
c) great to hear it.
