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Front end category sort

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 23:36
by rdrewniak

I'm sure this has probably already been addressed (a number of times) but I have yet to find any definitive information about it. I would like to give my front-end users the ability to sort the files when they are in "Category View" (sort by Title A - Z, sort by Title Z - A, sort by date uploaded, etc...). I am currently running Joomla 2.5.16 and Phoca Download 2.1.9.

Is this part of an additional plugin, is it functionality currently built into the component, or is this something that would have to be added in as a unique customization? If its currently built into the component or if it's part of an additional plugin, could someone shed some light on how I would add it in? If it's custom functionality, has anyone created something like this, and if so could you give me an idea of how you did so?

Thank you very much for your time and help.

~ Ryan Drewniak ~

Re: Front end category sort

Posted: 25 Dec 2013, 01:28
by Jan
Hi, for now there is no such feature, it is included in Phoca Gallery and I am planning to add it to Phoca Download in some of the next version.


Re: Front end category sort

Posted: 28 Mar 2014, 20:08
by f16jack
Hi. Great component. It does exactly what I need.

Have you added the Front End Sort yet?

We have folks give presentations, and we then type up the Speaker Notes for our membership.
1. It would be nice to upload these Speaker Notes (say, in pdf format), and then place a date on them that the speech was given (not the file creation date, not the file modified date), but a date of our choosing.
2. On the Menu Item: Phoca Download ยป List of Files (Category View), it would be nice for our users, on the frontend, to sort by the title of the documents, or by the date the speech was given.


Re: Front end category sort

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 22:38
by Jan
Hi, still didn't add, waiting in feature request list :-(
