3.0.3 version bug? Accept-ranges header
Posted: 21 Jan 2014, 16:52
In download.php file an "Accept ranges" header is sent with "bytes" value. This suggests that we are partial content download capable. I think that this header might be part of the commented code block that there is few lines below it.
Declaring this capability and not giving it might cause problems. For example I have tweaked the preview funtcionality in order to call to the dowload URL instead of a direct link, when I open a PDF preview Firefox's embedded PDF viewer tries to get the content with partial requests and it fails.
Just commenting that line solves the problem.
Declaring this capability and not giving it might cause problems. For example I have tweaked the preview funtcionality in order to call to the dowload URL instead of a direct link, when I open a PDF preview Firefox's embedded PDF viewer tries to get the content with partial requests and it fails.
Just commenting that line solves the problem.