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Midi File Play Option

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 23:46
by Daelus
I'm trying to utilize the option of having a play button in my downloads page next to my midi files. However, it doesn't seem to work with the file extension. For a temporary fix I am converting the Midi files to mp3 files for the play function alone however this is kind of tedious and I have hundreds of these midi files which need to be distributed on my site. Is there any way to play the midi files using the pre-existing player functionality?

Re: Midi File Play Option

Posted: 31 Jan 2014, 01:57
by Jan
Hi, for now I don't know if HTML5 can play the MIDI or if flow player can play it?

In Phoca Download, files can be played by HTML 5 or Flow player, so if some of the methods can play midi, then the extension of the midi needs to be set for playing files in Phoca Download - the code needs to be modified. :idea:


Re: Midi File Play Option

Posted: 31 Jan 2014, 03:02
by Daelus
Well if it helps i've tried having the HTML 5 option set to yes and to no and it doesn't display the play or the preview link with a midi file.

Re: Midi File Play Option

Posted: 02 Feb 2014, 01:54
by Jan
Hi, searching now the web, seems like html5 does not support playing a midi file for now. :idea:
