Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 11:37
HI, template TRE work fine BUT.. many many problems with POSITIONS.
Have you a chart of positions? with tp=1 I cant solve ..
Also, with module slideshow BX in position 26 the slide appear on left side and not center.
How I can solve?
Joomla 3.2.2
Phoca TRE tpl last ver just dowloaded
Phoca gallery 4.1
Slide BX last ver.
Best regards
Have you a chart of positions? with tp=1 I cant solve ..
Also, with module slideshow BX in position 26 the slide appear on left side and not center.
How I can solve?
Joomla 3.2.2
Phoca TRE tpl last ver just dowloaded
Phoca gallery 4.1
Slide BX last ver.
Best regards