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New Article plays Audio from previously created Article

Posted: 15 Feb 2014, 02:34
by mel
I have been looking through the forums for a solution to the problem we are having.

After uploading mp3 into phocadownload folders.
we create File in phocadownload files and use both the
'FileName' and 'FileName Play' fields because we wont to give the option to the user
to either play or download.

we than create a new article and include both options

then when we create the next new article and add another mp3 to it
the old file looses its player and the new file plays the file from the previous article.

I have reviewed this: so i know we are setting up correctly.

Please advise as to how to fix this. I can send images of what we see.
Plus give login to a member account so the behavior can be observed.

Interestingly enough all the videos have been set up for the option to play and the option download and work perfectly! (Thanks)

Thanks in advance!

Re: New Article plays Audio from previously created Article

Posted: 16 Feb 2014, 18:50
by Jan
Hi, testing now and get no such problem, everything is working correctly for me :idea: And I cannot imagine such behaviour as the ID does not change so if you want to play some file with ID e.g. 1, it is not possible to run some previous file.

Which version of Phoca Download you are using?
Did you check the cache settings?


Re: New Article plays Audio from previously created Article

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 02:21
by mel
Hi Jan,
and Cache has been cleared/cleaned and is set at 75 to allow users to remain logged in during the playing of a file.

I agree it should not do that, the ids for both the audio and the download are distinct.

Note: This only occurs in the listing of all the audios and videos.
If a visitor clicks on one item (audio) and uses the previous and next buttons, the visitor will hear the correct audio related to that article.

I can send membership login via pm so you can witness the behavior.
