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User login and category mismatch

Posted: 01 Mar 2014, 21:54
by michy5
I'm new in this forum and before opening a new topic I've looked for a resolution for my problem but I could not found it.

The situation is:
I created a new user (Michy1) for my site. Than, in Phoca I created also a new category (michy1), a new file (prova michy1) in which I uploaded a pdf file. I set that the file "prova michy1" refers to category michy1. In this category i set that user Michy1 is the only one who can access to the area. So, when I login with user Michy1 i see correctly the pdf in my download section.

I've made the same with a new user (Michy2), new category (michy2), new file (prova michy2) in which i uploaded another pdf file.
I set that the file prova michy2 refers to category michy2. In this category i set that user Michy2 is the only user who can access to the area but, when i login with user Michy2 and i go to my download section, the system sends me that message:
You have no rights to access this category

In fact, the download section of user Michy2 refers to folder category1 (and it should not!!!)

Any resolution for this strange problem?


PS: if you need, i can post you the setting images

Re: User login and category mismatch

Posted: 03 Mar 2014, 16:30
by Jan
Hi, try to recheck your settings. It is a system so if it works for category A like expected, there is no way the system somehow change something in its own code so the same rule should be used for category B. :idea: - check if the category is not a subcategory, etc. :idea:


Re: User login and category mismatch

Posted: 04 Mar 2014, 23:14
by michy5
Hi Jan,
and thanks for your answer..
I've checked my setting again and again but it seems to me i did not any mistake (it seems :idea: :idea: )

I post you my settings so you can check them and tell if I'm doing some errors:

parent category: - select category -
Ordering: 1. Categoria Michy1
Access: registered
Acces Rights: Michy1

parent category: - select category -
Ordering: 2. nuova-michy2
Access: registered
Acces Rights: Michy2


Prova file michy1
FILENAME: filemichy1.pdf
ACTIVE: active
CATEGORY: Categoria Michy1
ACCESS: Registered

Prova file michy2
FILENAME: logo.png
ACTIVE: active
CATEGORY: nuova-michy2
ACCESS: Registered

CATEGORY: Categoria Michy1
ORDERING: Prova file michy1

CATEGORY: nuova-michy2
ORDERING: Prova file michy2

I'm sorry to posting you all this, but i do not see any other way to..

Thanks again

Re: User login and category mismatch

Posted: 07 Mar 2014, 01:53
by Jan
Hi, testing it now and get everything OK, try to recheck the menu links - if some menu link does not go to other category.

Did you create e.g. one menu link to categories view? Or more menu links?


Re: User login and category mismatch

Posted: 08 Mar 2014, 01:42
by michy5
hi Jan,
you won't believe this..

i uninstalled and reinstalled phoca download, i created a new category and a new file for one user, all OK.
But when i created a new category and a new file the problem has become the same! :cry: :cry:

Could you post me your working settings ???

PS: Are there any problems with my joomla version (2.5.19) or with the fact that my site is local?

Re: User login and category mismatch

Posted: 08 Mar 2014, 21:01
by Jan
Hi, no, I have tested it in Joomla! 2.5 like many users run Joomla! 2.5. There is no problem with localhost - I test everything on localhost first.

But I cannot understand this because system is system - it means, it applies one rule for all the categories, it is not possible that the system will work for category A and not for B as there is no feature to change the system. It is programmed, it is not live organism to change between two categories :idea:


Re: User login and category mismatch

Posted: 08 Mar 2014, 21:06
by michy5
I know a system works like a system.. otherwise it would not be a system :-D

could it be a cache problem in my browser??
When i login with user B and try to enter user B's download area, on the browser tab i read "Download + category 1 name"..

it's so strange!

PS: the setting i posted you are correct however?

Re: User login and category mismatch

Posted: 08 Mar 2014, 23:24
by michy5
The problem seems to be with every second category i create..

in fact, i tried to associate category1 with user B and it's all working..
then i tried to associate file2 with category1 with user B and it worked again..

I'm driving crazy..

Re: User login and category mismatch

Posted: 09 Mar 2014, 22:01
by Jan
Hi, in past there were some problem in Joomla! with cache but if it is the cache or not, you can discover, when you disable cache and when you clean all the cache items :idea:
