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File Download Buttons Not Working When Viewed On Android

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 23:46
by deltadan79
Hey guys,

I looked all over and couldn't find a solution yet. My question isn't so much related to any phocadownload bugs - in fact it works great. However, I've built a nice mobile responsive site and have been attempting to build an app using and phonegap that just links to my website and displays it in the app window via the WebView method of displaying webpages. Everything in the site works great. However, when i go to click the download file button for a file in phocadownload, it does nothing. I know that this will most likely be something on the appery or phonegap end dealing with javascript, but I thought i'd throw this one out there for the masses to see if they have any opinions. With nice mobile responsive sites, true 'apps' aren't always necessary, but we'd like to give our users the option of just 'installing our app' which basically is a glorified browser that only visits our site.

It works great for displaying content. but on a membership site where downloads are important, the download button isn't having much success :) Could there be a way to modify phocadownload's method of 'downloading' documents to allow for it to download in an apps 'webview'?

Best Regards,
Danny :)

Re: File Download Buttons Not Working When Viewed On Android

Posted: 25 Mar 2014, 01:24
by Jan
Hi, unfortunately I don't have any experience with webview, the download button is standard html feature so really no idea what could be wrong there :idea:
