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Categories visible when they should not be

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 17:22
by troehmer
I have a little problem with Phoca Download at the moment.
Category "visibletoall"
Sub-Category to abc "visibleto1" accessright has only user1
Sub-Category to abc "visibleto2" accessright has only user2

But the problem is, they all see these Sub-Categories
When i create it like this:
Category "visibleto1" accessright has only user1
Category "visibleto2" accessright has only user2
Then I get the right outcome.

Is it possible to do it like in my example?

I hope you understand me :D
Thank you very much!

Re: Categories visible when they should not be

Posted: 25 Mar 2014, 22:56
by Jan
Hi, you need to set the access rights for each subcategory too, as every category (no matter if sub or parent) has own access rights.
