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Slideshow Plugin based on image uploaded by user

Posted: 28 Mar 2014, 17:18
I have a scenario which I want to implement. It would be great if this is possible using phoca slideshow plugin.

Scenario : I have one Article Per User - which is like a writeup about that particular user. User upload some 2-3 images using phoca gallery.

Requirement : I want to embed a slideshow in his article his images ( not other images uploaded by other users). Currently I can see that the slideshow is filtering based on category etc. I want to do it based on user id who uploaded the image.

Can you please let me know if it possible to do this through configuration or I need to change the code?


Re: Slideshow Plugin based on image uploaded by user

Posted: 28 Mar 2014, 18:28
by Jan
Hi, I think, for this you need to edit the php code of the plugin - so instead of selecting images by categories you need to select them by e.g. ownership - but you need to set ownership e.g. for each category - it is category based. :idea:
