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Redirect URL

Posted: 23 May 2014, 13:19
by schodi

I have several download-files where the user first have to login to get access to the file. All works fine, but the user always gets the userprofile-page after registration instead of redirecting to the "redirection-URL" from the standard joomla login module.
So can anybody help me with this problem? What did I wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards!

Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 24 May 2014, 01:31
by Jan
Hi, which Joomla! version you are running, normally, the login page gets return page, so it should be normally redirected to page where user is when clicking on the download :idea:


Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 24 May 2014, 19:42
by schodi
I use Joomla! version 3.2.2...
Unfortunatly I always get to the page with the user profil information. Maybe you can tell me which settings/code I should check? Do you need a link to the website?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 26 May 2014, 00:09
by Jan
Hi, I will take a look at it, it is possible that something changed in Joomla! which prevents from returning back after login :idea:


Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 26 May 2014, 08:52
by schodi
Please let me know as soon as possible because it is a quite urgent matter! THANKS!

Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 27 May 2014, 10:11
by schodi
Any news? :?

Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 29 May 2014, 19:13
by Jan
Hi, still didn't find time to look at it.


Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 01 Jun 2014, 12:19
by schodi
It's a pitty! :(
Because that's really important to me and I do not really want to mess around in the core files when it is not necessary.

Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 01 Jun 2014, 23:15
by Jan
Hi, see:

It is really hard to do some things quicker :-(

Re: Redirect URL

Posted: 05 Jun 2014, 20:41
by Jan
Hi, found the problem, will be solved in 3.0.5
