Facebook and the Phoca Open Graph Plugin
Posted: 27 May 2014, 17:18
I saw a couple other posts on this subject, but I was wondering if this issue has been addressed or if there is a way around it.
I have a Joomla 3.2.2 installation. I want to have Facebook and other services that use OpenGraph protocol to be able to make Link Cards for links in posts, emails, etc.
When I installed the Phoca Open Graph Plugin I enabled it and set a few of the parameters like a standard image for all pages and the site name and description. When I look at the source code for the page it shows:
<meta name="og:title" content="Definitions" />
<meta name="og:type" content="article" />
<meta name="og:image" content="http://joom3.zemplate.com/images/sitegr ... gimage.jpg" />
<meta name="og:url" content="http://joom3.zemplate.com/definitions" />
<meta name="og:site_name" content="Joom3 : Zemplate" />
<meta name="og:description" content="A guide for using Joomla3+ Content Management System" />
Facebook Debugger won't recognize this data and it isn't working for Yahoo mail either.
I saw a post that somehow this was a Joomla issue that they were using 'name' instead of 'property', but that post did not mention if you can fix this in Joomla or how to fix it.
Can anyone give me some guidance. I tried other plugins that claimed to make the og: meta tags, but they did not work or ddi too many other things, or were too complicated for my purpose. I could just add this to the index.php for my template, but then all pages would have the same information. I would like to have Phoca work as it doesn't seem to be doing too many other things, just this.
I have a Joomla 3.2.2 installation. I want to have Facebook and other services that use OpenGraph protocol to be able to make Link Cards for links in posts, emails, etc.
When I installed the Phoca Open Graph Plugin I enabled it and set a few of the parameters like a standard image for all pages and the site name and description. When I look at the source code for the page it shows:
<meta name="og:title" content="Definitions" />
<meta name="og:type" content="article" />
<meta name="og:image" content="http://joom3.zemplate.com/images/sitegr ... gimage.jpg" />
<meta name="og:url" content="http://joom3.zemplate.com/definitions" />
<meta name="og:site_name" content="Joom3 : Zemplate" />
<meta name="og:description" content="A guide for using Joomla3+ Content Management System" />
Facebook Debugger won't recognize this data and it isn't working for Yahoo mail either.
I saw a post that somehow this was a Joomla issue that they were using 'name' instead of 'property', but that post did not mention if you can fix this in Joomla or how to fix it.
Can anyone give me some guidance. I tried other plugins that claimed to make the og: meta tags, but they did not work or ddi too many other things, or were too complicated for my purpose. I could just add this to the index.php for my template, but then all pages would have the same information. I would like to have Phoca work as it doesn't seem to be doing too many other things, just this.