Fatal Error installing to Joomla 2.5
Posted: 01 Jun 2014, 17:54
Hi Jan,
First, I must thank you for all the great work you do! I am pretty new to web designing and managing for customers, and your free downloads are both beautiful to work with and incredibly generous. I have only just started to use them in a couple of my first "pro" sites and I have learned so much reading your code!!
I recently built a site on my own site as a sub-directory; when the site was "presentable", I transferred all the files over to a new account on the same host (Dreamhost). For the most part, everything is working fine, but now I tried to upload Phoca Favicon and got the following error message:
Fatal error: Class 'JHtmlSidebar' not found in /home/robcar89/kcvamiami.com/administrator/components/com_phocafont/controller.php on line 33
I had just made a couple changes in the configuration.php to correct another error about log and tmp paths. I also changed the FTP information.
Do you know what else I need to do? Here is line 33: JHtmlSidebar::addEntry(JText::_($v[0]), $link.$v[1], true );
Thank you,
Rob (bigrockusr)
First, I must thank you for all the great work you do! I am pretty new to web designing and managing for customers, and your free downloads are both beautiful to work with and incredibly generous. I have only just started to use them in a couple of my first "pro" sites and I have learned so much reading your code!!
I recently built a site on my own site as a sub-directory; when the site was "presentable", I transferred all the files over to a new account on the same host (Dreamhost). For the most part, everything is working fine, but now I tried to upload Phoca Favicon and got the following error message:
Fatal error: Class 'JHtmlSidebar' not found in /home/robcar89/kcvamiami.com/administrator/components/com_phocafont/controller.php on line 33
I had just made a couple changes in the configuration.php to correct another error about log and tmp paths. I also changed the FTP information.
Do you know what else I need to do? Here is line 33: JHtmlSidebar::addEntry(JText::_($v[0]), $link.$v[1], true );
Thank you,
Rob (bigrockusr)