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Frontend Fileupload corrupt

Posted: 07 Jun 2014, 02:40
by halycon
Hi there,

i tried to implement Phoca DOwnload 3.0.5 in my Joomla 3.3 Site. I did some modifications on the default css, but the failure is exactly the same with loaded default css, so my modifications are not causing the problems.

The Problem is, on the Frontend-uploadmenu the table header (tableclass=adminlist) is double of the content area's witdh!? See picture below:

The black area on the left is the content area, the grey area on the right is only the website's background texture.

Any idea what i have to adjust to make the header fit the content size?

Thanks in advance :)

Re: Frontend Fileupload corrupt

Posted: 09 Jun 2014, 10:36
by Jan
Hi, do you get the same problem with standard template? Unfortunately from the picture I don't understand what the problem exactly is?

Re: Frontend Fileupload corrupt

Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 02:20
by halycon
Here is a bigger screenshot. As you can see, the area with black background is the content area. The grey area is only site-background and doesn't have any content on it. Any other module/component "recognizes" the content area's size, but only this frontend upload form shows up over the whole page size and is ignoring the content area's width.


Re: Frontend Fileupload corrupt

Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 12:33
by Jan
Hi, the width is not set but mostly the problem is, there is text (string) and when it does not fit the content site width, it overflows the content.

I think, the table in:

components/com_phocadownload/views/user/tmpl/ ... needs to be customized

I see that the title has a large place, but not sure if this is set in template or not, I don't get any such large place when using standard template :idea:
