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Failure download gpx file

Posted: 07 Jun 2014, 20:15
by lazy garfield
On this page there are three downloads atthe bottom of the page.
The first one is a gpx file, the other two are zip files and are working fine.
In the backend of phocadownload i supply at options/download/allowed filetypes this code:
Also in options/opload/allowed filetypes I supplied the same code.
If you click on the gpx file you see the following: ... erwijk.gpx
Whats going wrong>
The names of the gpx files are fine in the baxkend and on the server.

Re: Failure download gpx file

Posted: 09 Jun 2014, 11:23
by Jan
Hi, I see, the gpx seems to be xml and it is direclty displayed in browsers - really no idea if there is some server settings which do this, so I think, the best method, if you want to let user download the file is to zip it. :idea:


Re: Failure download gpx file

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 01:00
by lazy garfield

Its solved now. I had made for the downloads a map "Downloads".
With zip files it is working well, but gpx files not.
I have uploaded now the gpx file to httpdocs/phocadownload/userupload and it is working fine.
Probably a security issue of my host for that kind of a file when its not uploaded to Joomla.

Re: Failure download gpx file

Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 22:18
by Jan