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Changing label in Phoca Download Search plugin

Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 08:25
by Ext.Kerwejugend
Hello all together!

I just installed the Phoca Download Search plugin. Now I have two questions:

1. How can I override the "Phoca Download" label on my searching site? Which key do I have to override? Unfortunately the found keys (in language manager) didn't work. :(
2. I already read the post in Joomla extensions repository but I want to ask a little deeper (without starting with criticizing the author :wink: ): Is it possible to be direct linked to the found file (to detail view)?

Once again: Many thanks in advance! You're doing a great job!

Best regards

Re: Changing label in Phoca Download Search plugin

Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 12:50
by Jan

1) you can set it in language file or directly in the plugin code

2) as default there is no link to detail view as it is not default and mostly not active, to link directly to file view, the code needs to be customized, see similar posts in this forum:

PhocaDownloadRoute::getCategoryRoute will be changed to: PhocaDownloadRoute::getFileRoute but see similar posts in this forum to get more detailed guide.


Re: Changing label in Phoca Download Search plugin

Posted: 18 Jun 2014, 17:49
by Ext.Kerwejugend
Hi Jan,

thanks for your answer. Searched the plugins code (and found the key). But where was the translation for it?

I think it's not that important to get linked to the file directly if it requires work.

Thank you anyway!