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New install after de-installing

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 18:08
I had to remove the component as I got some strange messages etc.
De-installing went okay.

Now I wish to re-install again, but this does not happen.
I get a "dis-connect" with the server after app. 30 secs.
De verbinding met de server werd geherinitialiseerd tijdens het laden van de pagina
Does installing the compoent need a specific file in de database or something...

Using version 3.0.2, with Joomla 3.3.1

Re: New install after de-installing

Posted: 15 Jun 2014, 22:41
by Jan
Hi, there is no specific options for reinstalling components in Joomla! Unfortunately I cannot say what can be wrong there, as components do not install themselves, they are installed by Joomla! extension manager, so this needs to be asked by Joomla! developers why there are such problems.

But mostly, there will stay some information in Joomla! database so uninstalling the component fully and manually mostly helps :idea: - see: ... m-manually

Re: New install after de-installing

Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 08:39
Sorry Jan, I ran the SQL but 0 lines were deleted, so everything was clean already
Strange.... :shock:
I will chech again with the Joomla forum